Monday, October 24, 2005

Crop Circles (Thanks J.S.)

A woman is standing in front of the elevator door in the lobby of a hotel in Cordoba, Spain. I walk in that direction.
When i'm in other country I'm not myself, If I were in Mexico, I probably get in the elevator and just say: Good afternoon.
Yes, I'm an idiot. Anyway I'm not in Mexico, I'll try...

So, the elevator arrives and I ask if she needs help with her luggage, she accepts the offer. We get in the elevator. Probably it's time for me to say something intelligent, something smooth, something that make her remember me.
Maybe I'll just start with my name.

E. Hi, I'm Edgar.
S. Hi Edgar, I'm Sasha. Where are you from?, I can't recognize your accent.
E. I'm mexican, and you?
S. Aussie
E. What?
S. Australian, that's the short form.
E. Oh, I didn't know that.

Great! Now she thinks i'm an idiot.
Suddenly an idea comes, I'ts so stupid that it may work.

E. Have you ever heard about the crop circles?
S. The circles in the fields?
E. Yes. I'm responsable for that.

Silence. What the fuck was I thinking, that's not good, that's stupid, She won't talk to me again.

S. Ha ha ha, Really?
E. Of course.
S. I'll be in the hotel's restaurant in 20 minutes, maybe you'd like to come and explain me more about your work.
E. Sure, every detail.

The doors open, I take her suitcase to her room. As I walk to my room, I think: " I'm the luckiest bastard on the face of the earth".


  1. is this a true story, if so can I try this line?

  2. Yes,it is a true story. The line it's not mine, it belongs to J.S., Probably he doesn't mind. Anyway, the phrase may not be effective in all situations.
